Monday, February 20, 2012

Open Letter To Cameron: NHS Killer

OK, it's been a while since my last post from way back when. The infamous post where I ranted and raved about Tom Cruise going essentially nuts. (OK, I say "infamous" - maybe "un-famous", but hey, it's in the top ten Google searches...when you search for Stephen Paul Blanchard - which incidentally also gives details on how to by my first book "Getting Sync'd" - and pimped!) Hey Tom, good to see you back on an even keel! M:I-4 looks awesome by the way! Now I'm not suggesting my rant and rave changed what was going on with dear ol' Tom, and I don't expect my next rant to do any different, but I need to do this - and it shall be done in the following way.....

Dear Mr. David Cameron PM,

I have a question: exactly how old are you? I have to ask because your recent behaviour is more characteristic of a spoiled seven year old boy not wanting to do what the other kids in the playground have unanimously suggested, instead deciding to cover your ears with your grubby hands singing "la la la" at the top of your voice. I am of course referring to your ridiculous decision to hold discussions on the future of the NHS without the presence of any health-care professionals. To quote the hip modern day phrase: WTF? Why would you not consult organisations like the Royal College of Nursing, or the British Medical Association? These organisations are made up of professionals in the health care industry, people who have spent their lives in the very organisation you seem determined to destroy.

You're not a doctor Mr. Cameron, neither is your Health Secretary. I mean, is Mister Lansley still pissed at being mis-diagnosed with an ear infection which turned out to be a "minor stroke", and so trying to get his own back? Yes, the NHS makes mistakes. No organisation is perfect. You being the head of this coalition "Government" (for want of a better word) should know this. But do you know how important the NHS is to people? This service saved my wife, they took care of my daughter, they're currently looking after my uncle, and you know what? Considering the conditions that these people work in and the lack of respect they receive (almost demonising the doctors and nurses) they do an AMAZING job. The amount of people I speak to who belittle the health service until they actually use it, by which point deciding it's a brilliant service, is frankly amazing.

I have friends who are doctors and nurses. Close family. My wife is nearing the end of her GP training. All of these people do this job, not for the apparent power/long holidays/golfing trips/high pay (all of which, by the way, are complete misconceptions!) - they do it because they want to help. They spent years studying and honing their craft, knowing that one day their skills would be able to save people. The hardest thing in the world for them is having to give the bad news to relatives, but they carry on, because they have to. These people know exactly what they're talking about and what is needed to keep the NHS on an even keel, so again I ask: WTF? The only thing I find more confusing is the fact that "Hollyoaks" is still being made!

You are fortunate to have this job Mr. Cameron, in more ways than one. Remember that it was hardly the landslide victory I'm sure you'd wanted. The people didn't want you as PM, but we as voters had to work with what we were given. Like you and your cabinet; you have to work with the situations as they were left by their predecessors, and the NHS is struggling to do the same, so why are you not doing everything you can to help? Your sheer arrogance in not giving health organisations the opportunity to give their valued and experienced opinions, instead turning to your friends and cronies who care more about the money then the health of the very people you claim to be serving, makes you the political equivalent of an ostrich sticking your head in the sand. Just remember the more you leave your head down there the greater chance there is of you getting your rear end blown off by a shotgun.


Stephen Blanchard

OK, I don't expect that to solve anything. I'm no politician, and I sure as hell ain't a doctor. I see a needle and faint. It's just the sheer audacity of this pompous, arrogant little jizz-weasel has me absolutely fuming. Please pass this on if you agree. I'm hoping over time this cannibalisation of the NHS will fade in to obscurity like the "Big (Idiot) Society".

This is kinda funny, check it!

In other news, BUY MY BOOK!!!