Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Hunting For The Incarnations Of My Brain Babies

Hello. I'm back. And on the day a certain former leader of the UK was laid to rest. Not that that has any baring on what I did today, but just to put this post in some kind of historical context. Like I remember where I was when Mandela got released (round at my Nan's eating her home made cakes), Today, we hunted in earnest for actors to portray the characters I've had in my head for the last 10 years. Today was "M.A Day". Not Malformed Artichoke Day, as my brain first thought, but Main Audition Day.

The Day Begins
We'd only auditioned In-House up til now at work. We really landed on our feet with finding Scott Latty and John Cunningham. They get their parts, they jelled so well together, and they knocked their recent film stint so far out the park, I felt like we'd struck gold! This was different: we'd cast our net out on...well, the net, using StarNow and CastingCallPro. We'd had to whittle down over 50 applicants to a shortlist. And today was when we got to see those people.

You have to remember that everyone who'd come out came on the firm understanding there was no pay involved. Yes there were some cancellations, as I'd been told by colleagues on the team who'd actually done this before would happen. But those who came really impressed us all with their professionalism, openness and overall attitude towards the project. I'll be honest it's only now, after being through a genuine audition process, that this now feels like a real TV project.

The Lord Jeffer Almighty Stephen Paul Blanchard and
Duly Appointed King Jeffer Esteemed Director Richard Reay TM
As you know this basic idea is over a decade old now, and in all that time I've only ever come slightly close to seeing my characters come to life. The last time it was one character who doesn't even feature in the pilot. I've always hoped that I would see the day when my babies came to life but for one reason or another never truly believed it would happen. Now, through the support of my wife, meeting people like Esteemed Director Richard Reay TM and Scott "Thin White Latte" Latty, I found myself starting to see it. The actors that we met today have cemented that belief. We can actually do this. And you know what, we bloody well will.

Anyhoo, it was an awesomely good day. I'm still juddering from the multiple Joygasms throughout the day. You're probably, just like me, counting down the days until we announce who we have cast in the remaining roles. Your patience will be rewarded! In the meantime you'll more than likely be seeing some Behind The Scenes footage in the coming weeks, and the results of filming our comrades John and Latty. One thing I can leave you with is a side project Richard and myself are interested in pursuing, once again involving the delectable Scott. He can be a wave of inspiration, and today was no different as he stood out the front of our audition venue looking like...a Hobo. Thus I give you, for you viewing pleasure, the opening sequence of "The Latty-est Hobo".

Scott Latty, we salute you you Jeffer!

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