Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I'm the reason they say White People Have No Rhythm...

Great night out in London on Saturday night, at a place called the Rivoli Ballroom for, would you believe it, Jive Dancing! That's right, The Blanch went Strictly Come Dancing Style with a group of friends and came out in one piece...other people's feet weren't so lucky mind! I always thought I had a good sense of rhythm, I play guitar, I...tap away on the steering wheel.....I - and I never thought I'd admit to this but doubtless there's some youtube footage somewhere - used to try and dance like Jacko. (Hey, don't judge me, I was young!!) Imagine my embarrasment then when the music started for the first lesson and anything even resembling hand/feet/eye co-ordination was systematically wiped out...by the Dormant Dad Gene! You've seen it at work before; at family weddings, parties or when the patriarch of the family has been cooking Christmas dinner fuelled only by wine or whisky! But here it was, alive and kicking - literally - during the lessons with completely random women, and later with my darling missus who next to me must have looked like J Lo's dance coreographer!

But I don't care what people think, and my embarasment threshold is higher than many, so I kept busting some moves. Fortunately/unfortunately (depending on your POV) there is no photographic/video evidence us tearing up the dance floor. The best example I can give you, is Chandler from Friends!!


It's a top night out though, and well worth a trip to the Londonium! Check it out: http://www.jiveparty.com/

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