Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Making money and stupid people!

With the silly season over and done with, I was sat around thinking "Jee Wiz Albert..." (Albert is my pet bird glove puppet!!!......??) "I sure did get a whole load of silly stuff for Christmas!" Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE silly stuff. I got a Homer Simpson mug that talks when you pick it up and put it down. I got a TARDIS phone alert thing (it makes TARDIS noises every time your phone rings or you ring somone - yeah ok, it's starting to grate now!!) I got a Kermit the frog mug...so lots of mugs then! So there was them, and then there's the other silly things - the kind of silly things where you look at them and think "wowzers, whoever bought me this is really silly"!! So I went to the trusty Amazon, and I started selling things like "The 500 Facts You Didn't Know About Animals" book (silly!), the Complete Superman DVD Collection (very silly! It's not even complete, and doesn't have the Richard Donner cut of Supes 2!), the "Things To Inspire You On The Toilet" book (.....um.....)! What's even scarier is, people are buying them!! True they're also buying other DVD's and books and stuff which are cool but I don't want anymore. Still, people are buying my shit.....and for those FBI stalker types out there, no "shit" does not mean drugs, guns or any other illegal stuff!!!

And then in the front of my building there's a sign in the guest parking bays: "Authorised people only - Unauthorised People will be clamped!" Now, given that I live here I'd say I'm authorised. But no, I get home one afternoon having parked Charlie (the car.....WOWzers I'm sillt!!) in one of the guest bays informing me that the Car Park Comittee is deeply pissed off - I'm paraphrasing - with people using the guest spaces. It's taking up all the.....spaces. Tennents are only allowed to park there for 4 hours at a time, tennants caught parking there for long or any un-authorised cars will be clamped. Now I'm all for spaces being reserved for tennants and guests - no non-tennant rif raff thanks very much - but clamping people who live there and their guests. Surely that's a bit counter-productive??? If you clamp a vehicle it can't be moved, so the space is still taken up anyway! They should get tow-trucks in, have the offenders get their transport taken away! Yeah, I speak da trooth boyyee!!! Although if you're part of this comittee, don't you dare touch Charlie. He BITES!!!

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