Wednesday, January 16, 2008

So you're in a car accident. Who would you rather see: Tom Cruise, or a paramedic?!

Respect to Tom Cruise! I say it again, RESPECT! The dudes got beliefs, he sticks to them, he follows them.....religiously. By all accounts he's a pretty lucky guy (not just because he's a multi-millionaire actor with teeth built by a Roman road designer!), not everyone can say that about themselves. Most people I know treat their beliefs more the The Pirate Code. You know; more of a guideline than a rule! The unlucky one's are those that don't believe in anything, and so they wander around aimlessly trying to give their life meaning. Or, if they're really unlucky, they bump in to someone who tries to force their beliefs on to them!

I like Tom Cruise. I think he's an amazing actor, very intense. Born On The 4th July is a classic example of that, and I can't wait to see his new film Valkyrie (Dir: Bryan Singer). BUT, like a lot of people I suspect, I don't appreciate the Scientology hard sell. It's right up there with double glazing phone calls and people in the street asking you if you have a minute of your time to spend to write down your debit card details. Now I know this latest episode in the Bring Down Cruise campaign is a leaked video, not supposed to be viewed by anyone outside the Scientology community, but did they really think it would stay hidden? It's the same rule applied to celebrity sex tapes; if you don't want it to be seen don't make it! That said, maybe this is some kind of elaborate plan to get the word out and bring as much attension to it as possible, in which case the celebrity sex tape rule applies again. Look what it did for Paris Hilton!!!

(Don't be surprised if this gets taken off!!)

Tom, I respect your beliefs, I do. But please don't make random claims about being able to help people in car crashes, gun shot victims or anything like that. I've seen car crashes. I with someone who works in operating theatres on people who have come in on the verge of death from serious accidents, and while you could say that belief/luck/whatever you want to call it played a part in the patients future, it was sheer hard work by trained medical professionals that this person needed, and wanted.

.....I think someone should introduce Mr. Cruise to Britney Spears! Now THAT would be a headline!!!

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